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Understanding the Causes of Edema and How to Overcome It

Edema is swelling in the limbs that occurs due to accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Some areas of the body that are easily recognized when experiencing edema are the hands, arms, legs and ankles. Edema indicates a leak of body fluids through the walls of blood vessels. This fluid then builds up in the surrounding tissue and causes swelling. In addition to swelling, edema also has a characteristic form of skin that looks stretched. When pressed, will form a hollow in the skin which returns to the old position all the longer. While edema in the abdominal cavity, will cause the stomach to appear enlarged. There are several risk factors for someone experiencing edema. Among these are pregnancy, consumption of certain drugs, as well as chronic diseases, such as congestive heart failure, liver disease, and kidney disease.

Various Factors That Cause Edema

In mild cases, edema often results from prolonged sitting or standing in the same position. In addition, edema can occur due to consuming too much salty food, as a symptom of premenstruation, or during pregnancy. Edema may also be a sign of a more serious medical condition. Some diseases and conditions that can cause edema include:
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Cirrhosis
  • Infection
  • Severe allergic reaction
  • Blockage of blood vessels
  • Kidney illness
  • Circulatory disorders of lymph nodes (lymphatic system)
  • Severe long-term protein deficiency (protein energy malnutrition).
Edema can also occur due to side effects of drugs in the long run, such as high blood pressure medications, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, estrogens, and diabetes medications. If you experience edema due to taking certain drugs, you should avoid these drugs and consult your doctor to give other medicines as an alternative that suits your health condition.

Recognize How to Manage Edema

Edema can be treated with independent treatment at home, also by taking medication through a doctor's consultation. In cases of mild edema, treatment at home is useful to relieve edema and the symptoms it causes. Recommended ways to treat edema at home include:
  • Eat healthy foods, avoid foods that are packaged and processed with high salt content.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Routine to do moderate exercise, which can help prevent swelling.
As for edema caused by a condition or disease, treatment is needed by a doctor to overcome the underlying cause. In more severe conditions, edema is usually treated with diuretic drugs, which help the body excrete excess fluid through urine. However, whether or not the use of the drug will be determined by the doctor according to the condition and medical history of the patient. One of the recommended conditions for using diuretics is edema due to congestive heart failure. The important thing to do to prevent and overcome edema is to make changes in lifestyle and eating patterns become healthier, especially by avoiding foods that contain excessive salt. If you experience edema symptoms, consult your doctor further so that appropriate treatment can be given.
